男の裁縫 自作サコッシュ MYOG

男の裁縫 自作サコッシュ MYOG

Most people believe they lack the ability to use a sewing machine.
This is nonsense.
The sawing machine is automatic, and is extremely simple to use.
Driving a car is more complex, and nearly everyone can easily do that.
Don’t have time? Make the time!
Some people believe they lack the time for sawing.
Yet these same people will spend hours watching tv,browsing the internet or playing the game.
Shift your paradigm by making your own gear!
So go ahead and break out of that old mold of imagined inabilities.
Shift your paradigm by making your own gear rather than buying it.
The gear you make yourself will be far more meaningful and rewarding, and your time spent sewing will be quality time away from the mindless tv and opinionated social networks.
